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Free To Be: Queer Eye

Featured Artists: David Berg, Diane Butler, Gerville Larsen, Nathan Bishop, & Sasha Alexander

Curated by Felicia Farrante and Ralph Motta

Friday, June 8th - Thursday June 28th

 What is normal? What is other? Does it matter?

Who gives us the confidence to discover and embrace our otherness?


In identifying our otherness, have we also allowed ourselves to be free? Free of our own mind, free of what society dictates that “normal” is? Free of any kind of status quo or antiquated standard?

There is no one type of love.  Likewise, there are many equally valid ways of loving.

Freedom is found in ourselves - It is a true self-confidence that allows us to be our own person. It highlights our difference. Different, meaning the power to free our mind; and to free our soul.

It is the level of self-confidence that allows us to love ourselves and accept who we are in a world where everyone wants us to be something or someone else - everything but you

Pride is allowing yourself to be different, to think outside of the box while marching to the beat of your own drum. Pride is about celebrating self-love. Pride is about celebrating freedom. Pride is the celebration of our truest self.


We are free, free to be.